Saturday, August 31, 2019

What Makes Rock Stars Popular?

Sex, drugs, and rock and roll—these are just three of the many words always associated with a rock star. While it may be stereotypical, these phrases stand witness to the rise and fall of rock stars. Depending on the sound that a group would like to be identified with, identifiers of cool factor and talent is also highly variable. Oftentimes, what is cool is dictated by the image portrayed by the group. On some instances, what is cool for the group may not be the same with the audience. In terms of talent, a group may feel that they have the power to carry out either an all new sound, or one that is imitated or inspired from another group. The audiences, however, has determinants which sounds become famous, and if renditions should be welcomed or not. Thus, it is not safe to identify which between the rock stars or the audiences have the final say as to who and what becomes famous. However, there is still a way to measure what makes it big in the rock arena. What makes rock stars famous? attempts to zero in on the probable reasons behind the success and failure of rock stars. Throughout the paper, different rock stars and rock bands will be studied. Their backgrounds will be analyzed and, where applicable, highlights on their lives and careers will be discussed in an attempt to create a picture of the successful rock star, and the not. In the process, the paper aims to identify the key elements of becoming a famous rock star. More than becoming famous, it will also be important to point out why some rock stars become icons and stay idolized, while others proceed to the back door unnoticed. In the end, the paper hopes to conclude if the fame factors increase or decrease the chance of a rock star to become an icon. Reality Bits The world stood witness to the rise of many rock stars. With varying sounds, looks, and styles, it will be entirely difficult to compare rock bands side by side. While comparisons will be good to identify key points and similarities, it will only be beneficial when involving rock bands with striking similarities. It will be good to look at each band to identify both the good and the bad points of their careers. Black Sabbath. Kurt Cobain confessed that the hippest rock band ever would be Black Sabbath. (Hochman and Hilburn, 1992) Led by the legendary Ozzy Osbourne, the group has inspired many later rock bands whose love for playing rock music was infectious. The group played rock at a time when punk was in vogue and love for new wave was rising. Yet when they reunited to play in the 80’s, a new generation of fans began clamoring and singing Black Sabbath. Guns and Roses. The group behind the powerful emotional line Sweet Child O’ Mine, Guns and Roses was voted 13th on the Greatest Bands of All Time list. Greatest Rock Band of All Time, 2007) Reinventing themselves into emotional rock, heavy metal, punk, and back again, GnR created a solid fan base whose loyalty remained sweet all through the years. Kiss. Apart from their intriguing face paints, Kiss is well loved because they can arouse their fans to have fun in their performances. The incredible merchandising that followed the fame of this rock band is also unfathomable. (Matheson, 2005) If anything, Kiss was a good mixture of showmanship, sound, and creativity put into play for an awesome rock band. Led Zeppelin. Jimmy Page is praised and adored by fans, his rhythms remembered and played repeatedly everywhere. The group which some aptly calls simply Led Zep has every right to be treated so. The powerful sound that the group creates has been dubbed incomparable. Fan Evster2012 (2008) claim that Led Zeppelin also play in such a way to please the audience, a plus factor. Soulful musicality wins Led Zeppelin a prime spot in rockers’ hearts. Metallica. Ranked first by the online community in the Greatest Bands of All Time list (Greatest Rock Band of All Time, 2007), Metallica enjoys a following from different generations of music patrons. Showmanship is one determinant on how Metallica survived the highly competitive rock band industry. They epitomized the look and the act of a real rock band. Nirvana. The sudden death of the vocalist Kurt Cobain may have put the success of Nirvana to a halt, but it did not deter loyal fans from continuing the legacy of the band. Up until now, Nirvana songs are being played, sang, and revived. Merchandise bearing album covers, Cobain’s portraits, and the band as well keeps selling until today. Bereaved fans remain reminiscent of Cobain, even including him in stories and bragging works signed by him. RH, 2008) Pantera. Pantera was on their lean years when their lead guitar man Darrell Abbott, or Dimebag, has been shot and killed. However, the legacy of Pantera raged on. Records kept selling and the songs are still being covered by new rock players. (Lyman, 2004) Merchandise also keep bringin in revenue, and collectors stay loyal to the Pantera generation that they have come to k now and love. Pearl Jam. Matheson (2005) hosted a survey which revealed that Pearl Jam is considered as the greatest American rock band of all time. There are many reasons for Pearl Jam to be chosen. The voting community pointed out that Pearl Jam had the sincere love for what they are doing, the creativity to shift between sounds while still maintaining their identity, their power to keep selling albums and keep getting new following and so on. Put simply, Pearl Jam is the number one for many. Slipknot. If there is anything striking about the slipknot, it is their unrestricted costumes. Adding up to their showmanship and the unique sound that the group creates, Slipknot is always remembered by fans and non-fans alike as the band in masks. Masks have been a striking identifier to the band that I even became an album cover. (D’Angelo, 2004) The Rolling Stones. First was the band, then a mean series of rocking years, then a magazine. Until now, Mick Jagger and the rest of the Rolling Stones never fail to delight. They are even in the concert film by Martin Scorsese. (Ansen, 2008) Fame Factor Looking at how these rock bands and rock stars caught the spotlight, several common denominators may be seen. From these factors, it will be easy to see which ones are needed by an aspirant to become known in the field. Looks. For rock bands, the look does not necessarily mean good looks. The rock band look pertains to the style that the group decides to adapt. Many rock bands plunged into using weird-looking costumes. Kiss, which used face paints, paired with heavy hairstyles and often leather getups got the right look to match their sound. Slipknot’s use of different masks added up to the mystery of the band, and the dark and scary yet fun and fearless image that they are trying to portray. Ozzy Osbourne’s trademark long hairdo and sunglasses also helped identify him and his band whenever they perform. A trademark look also gives a band the chance to shine through the highly saturated music industry. Rock bands often had the grunge look expected of them. By creating a new look different from the others; even if it is still grunge, the group is still remembered. Sometimes, it may reach a point when the looks are remembered even if the names are not. In any case, creating a unique and striking look which fits the group and the audience is beneficial for a rock band. Sound. More than the looks, the sound is also a determinant of success among rock bands. At first, it might seem easy to sing rock. To begin with, there is none of the strict tone and voice measures present in other musical genre. Especially when the band is creating their own line and brand of music, they then become boundless by musical measures—they can cross the line between noise and music and nobody will care. Yet there are things that need to be noted to ensure that the sound of a rock band is appealing to the audience. Pearl Jam’s constant reshaping of their music is a reason why they stayed on the top. Matheson, 2005) Creating a sound inspired by another band, especially one that is iconic, also has its good and bad sides. When a band decides to create a sound similar to another, it is easy for the band to be remembered and to get into the ranks. However, comparisons can never be avoided. This puts the starting band into more pressure to sound as good as the one they are imitating. On top of it, if the new band is not able to stand true to the expe ctations of the old band’s standards, it can have a negative impact on the starting band. Gadgets and Effects. Something that rock bands can never live without are gadgets and effects, as these help them create new sounds that improve their performance. Often, fans enjoy hearing new sounds that other rock bands have never showcased before. Fans who have the inclination to play musical instruments also get excited to hear and try to imitate new sound effects. Without gadgets and effects, it is difficult for bands to create distinct sounds from their instruments. Showmanship. Apart from what the band produces on stage, it is equally important to know what the band does and how they do it. This is called showmanship, and this is yet another important factor for rock bands to become popular. Kiss, Pantera, Led Zeppelin, and Black Sabbath fans swear on how good these bands were at performing. Much of this performance entertainment can be credited to the quality of the band’s showmanship. Thus, to be a good rock band, one should also have the moves. Loyal fan base. Loyal fans help the band stay alive for eternity. This is exactly what happened to many old bands whose fame and popularity was replenished when new generations of fans started giving tributes to them. As Everson and Shay (nd) puts it, in internet marketing a fan base produces a steady stream of traffic and gives a sense of authority and prestige to the owner of the site. The same thing happens to rock bands. A fan base offers and solicits support for the band, even way after the band has stopped playing. Attitude and the love for music. The online community who voted for Pearl Jam as the best rock band ever stated that the top reason is that they concentrated on the craft rather than the fame. This shows that it is important for fans that the band loves their music and stays like that even despite of being popular. Matheson, 2005) Led Zeppelin had the same attitude. Having started the band in a sudden interest and sense of urgency to put one up, the members played and worked with the joy of playing in their mind, a revelation that members now recall and smile about. (Fricke, 2007) True Test of Fame Becoming a famous rock band is more like passing through a series of sifters. In th e beginning, there is a crowd of new rock bands trying to get their five minutes of fame. The audience listens to each and pick out the good ones. These are the ones who get through the fame test level one. At this point, the chosen ones are yet to enjoy the mainstream. They often only have a small fan base. The second selection happens when the bands try to exceed their territories. When bands get more fans and are listened to by more people outside their own zones, they go up one level in the fame meter. Those who do not make the cut will either have to wait for some other time, or rest. Then, everything follows. The really good bands get to sign contracts and produce albums. The others who have the funding may decide to produce their own albums, even if they are not too good. Some will venture into music television. Some will become producers themselves. This has been the story of Jonathan Coulton, also known as JoCo. He may not be the big thing—yet—but his music prowess is currently the talk of the town. Like any other rock stars, Coulton was a dreamer. Being a rock star is just another dream for him. Yet, he did not allow this dream to go unnoticed. Following his bliss, he resigned from his job in a software firm and concentrated on writing music. Today, his loyal fan base gives him many things to be thankful about, except the money. Coulton’s songs can be downloaded in exchange of donations. (Sites, 2008) Coulton’s story goes to show that being a rock star is not about the money. He is popular, but not rich because of it. He is popular because he loves his music, he loves his fans, and he aims to inspire. There is no assurance that Coulton, despite his positive music, will be offered million-dollar contracts, but the spot that he claimed in the otherwise crowded music industry is a mean feat to be happy about. (Sites, 2008) Yet the ultimate test of fame lies after the spotlight has died down. When the lights are out and only the memories of the band are left, the really good bands get to be remembered. This has been one among the many measures of fans to Pearl Jam’s success. (Matheson, 2005) Years after the band has stopped playing, their records are still echoing the lives of people who play their songs. This says a lot about the rock band becoming an icon. However, as James Dio of Black Sabbath puts it, inspiring new players should not be so much of an issue. Icons should stay humble and concentrate on the music. As for the new players, more than being inspired by the music, they should also be inspired with what beautiful things a rock star can do—more than the sex, drugs, and rock and roll. (Hochman and Hilburn, 1992) Conclusions It is cool, yet difficult, to be famous. This is why those who are trying to get in the fame wagon are trying everything good, new, and eclectic to get a piece of the pie. The rock band arena is not an exception. Everyday, new groups form, play, and try to get famous. Yet, only the really good ones remain. Many rock bands have tried to claim a spot and won. In analyzing their strengths and weaknesses, it became apparent that these bands have common denominators. These same points are useful for rock bands who are trying to get famous. A unique and interesting style is important as much as sound. These two allows the audience to identify the band. Gadgets and effects help a band improve their sound. Showmanship gives the band a chance to prove that they are good and serious at what they are supposed to do, which is entertaining the viewers. Attitude is also a key consideration. A good manager is also tantamount to a band’s success, because they control the activities of the band. Overall, a loyal fan base is equally important because without fans rock bands will also have no careers to begin with. Recommendations Despite the stereotype that cannot be taken away from the image of a rock star, it is never bad for a group to aspire to be a rock band. However, it requires discipline and perseverance for a rock band to become and stay famous. Because the music industry is always on the look for new talents, rock bands should always stay abreast on the developments of their craft. This does not mean that they need to purchase new gadgets all the time. However, it is necessary for bands to reinvent themselves according to their environment and the interest of their fans. Much of the credit should also go to the fans. This requires the right attitude. Bands should remember that the fans keep them alive. Thus, they should keep proper distance but still be warm to the fans at all times. At one end, it should also be noted that even if rock bands are identified with sex, drugs, and rock and roll, it is not a factor to become famous. One can get the image, without really taking on the risks.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Love and War

They say all is fair in love and war. This commonly known idiom is accepted across the nation because, in reality, both love and war result in someone getting hurt. Whether it be human emotions or a human leg that ends up getting torn apart, the victim in question is also to blame. Everyone has complete and sole power over his or her emotions, and of their choice in a lover/choice to fall in love. When it comes to war, nobody (at least nobody who lives in America) is forced to enlist in any division of the army. It is a human right to protect one’s self from danger, and if that means not fighting for their country, then they don’t have to. However any particular that does choose to take part in battle understands the potential consequences. Both love and war are decisions, but the same is not true when it comes to economics and a person’s bank account. Financial status is determined at birth, which is very unlike the effects of love and war. Those who are born into wealth have the fortune of being able to start out their career, whatever it may be, at a higher than average rank. Achieving upper class status, retiring early, owning a fancy car, owning a big house etc. is sometimes caused by luck and can at times be the result of a high drive and a strong work ethic. Though, that is not usually the case. More often times than not, those who are rich when they are thirty, forty, seventy etc. start out that way. It all begins at birth. Upper class parents find it reputable to teach their children in a manner that is above par right from trying to get them to speak. Then, they send those children to a pre-pre school, followed by preschool, which not everyone has the opportunity to attend. Children from wealthy families usually attend private grade school (another privilege that comes along with having money), which starts them off with a good education and puts them on the path to a positive future. Upon applying for their first job at age sixteen or so (if they even want to; the rich usually have enough money to forget the job and focus on their bettering their education, which is yet another perk that sets them up for success), and since most of these people have lived in the same town for the entirety of their life, their parents have certain connections to certain businesses and business owners, and could easily get their kid an above par job (probably doing practically nothing) or better yet a high paying internship. The bonus of an internship, however, in this case would not be the extra cash. Rather, it would provide them with a positive learning experience. College is just another step in their life that will come easy, because they get into a better college than they should, simply because one of their parents went there, knew someone who went there, or because the admissions department can see a perfect scholarly record in their name (which, is what university is all about so, it greatly benefits them). Finally, offspring of the wealthy many times will take over their parents’ top tier business and make lots of money that way, or they will have done well enough at their great school (their parents set them straight from the beginning, it would be hard not to do well), that they acquired an equally prestigious or more prestigious job for themselves. Either way, the cycle of wealth starts again. In conclusion, all is fair in love and war. However, when it comes to financial status, it’s a man eat man world. And the ones with the money always win.

Thea Astley’s It’s raining in mango

A literary text often acts as a reflection of the society of the time in which it was written. The particular value systems or ideologies of the characters and character groups represented in the text inform the reader of those characters' cultural identities. In Thea Astley's it's raining in mango, the author offers many representations of cultural identity. Through the story of the Laffey's, Astley provides an alternative to the mainstream society's representation of cultural identity and challenges traditional beliefs regarding Australia. It's raining in mango is set in Australia, and follows the story of the Laffey family from 1860 to 1980. The characters endure some of the major events in Australia's history, such as the gold rush of the 1860s, the depression, both World Wars, and the horrific treatment of the Aboriginal population. From these events came the ‘Australian identity'; what mainstream society believed to be the traits and characteristics unique to the ‘typical' Australian. From the First World War sprung the legend of the heroic ANZAC, and Australians were regarded as the resilient ‘battler' with a strong sense of humour and laid-back attitude. Camaraderie and mateship were highly valued. The patriarchal ideologies of the society meant that women were expected to be submissive, and function solely in the domestic sphere, while men were the providers and â€Å"bread-winners†. Aboriginals and other minority groups were marginalised or silenced. The value systems and ideologies that inform the representation of mainstream Australian society's cultural identity are represented in Astley's text by characters such as the diggers, who believe that the Aboriginal people are â€Å"not human† and the pub owner â€Å"who hated blacks, but loved their pay checks†. Other characters who represent the patriarchal values of the society are the priests with whom Jessica Olive and Connie conflict with. However, the strongest representation of the values and ideologies of this society are reflected through the police, the figures of authority who find it â€Å"in order to blame a blackskin. The easy way out†. All these characters, along with the men looking for work during the Depression, reflect the values and ideologies of mainstream society, which inform representations of the cultural identity of Australians. However, through the Laffey family and other character groups, Astley offers an alternative representation of cultural identity. The women in Astley's text offer an alternative to the cultural identity of women in mainstream society. Unlike the women represented in the ideologies of this patriarchal society, the female characters in mango display strength and independence. Jessica Olive begins as the passive, submissive wife and mother idealised by mainstream society, however moves to challenge this notion after Cornelius leaves and she is left to become the â€Å"manageress extraordinaire†. She shows strength, passion and determination when facing hardships, or challenges to her values from characters such as the boarder at her hotel, and Father Madigan. Connie also proves her independence and strength of character throughout the text. As a child in a convent, Connie has difficulty suppressing her sexuality â€Å"and for one silly week she flattened her gently erupting breasts with a broad ribbon band†, and then as an adult she goes on to become a strong, self-reliant single mother. Connie, like Jessica Olive, displays passion and determination when she conflicts with another priest, Father Rassini. Mag is another character whose values and beliefs give an alternative to the mainstream notion of cultural identity. When she hides Nelly and her baby from the authorities, Mag displays courage and defiance, and the fact that she speaks for George, her husband, reflects power and strength of character. The prostitutes in the text also show very strong independence and courage, and their value systems and ideologies inform a representation of cultural identity that challenges the identity ascribed to prostitutes by mainstream society. The value systems and beliefs of the female characters in this text create a very different representation of women's cultural identity in Australia than that ascribed to women by the mainstream patriarchal society of the novel. They create a new cultural identity for women, that of the strong, independent woman. These women have a very strong connection to the land, and place family at the centre of their value system, as do most of the main characters in the text. The centralisation of family in the story of the Laffey's is very important in the construction of an alternative cultural identity. Unlike the characters that represent mainstream society, whose families are not mentioned, the Laffey's have a strong, profound bond. They represent values and attitudes similar to those found in Aboriginal culture, those of respect for, and reliance on, the family. Connie recognises that â€Å"only the family as she knows it has cohesion, provides a core†. She understands the unbreakable bond between her family throughout the centuries, and the fact that they are inextricably linked to each other by the knowledge that they are Laffey's. The bond between Connie and Will reminds the reader of the importance of family in a time when many families were being ripped apart by the tragedy of the Second World War. For the main characters, the family home in Mango is their place of return, a place to come back to for sanctuary and security. This emphasis on strong family values informs the reader of a cultural identity that is very different to the one offered by mainstream society, in the text. Along with a strong family connection, the main characters also have a strong connection to the land. While the settlers in the text saw the land as something to be battled with, the Laffey's learnt to harmonise with the land, and see it as something to be protected. Reever represents the values of the Laffey family through his acting out as a conservationist, and Clytie and Harry's struggle to save their farm during the Depression displays their concern for the land. It is this connection to the family and the land, similar to Aboriginal values, that sets the Laffey family's representation of cultural identity apart from that of mainstream society. The value system and ideologies of the Aboriginal characters, and other characters, inform the reader of the cultural identity of the Aboriginal people. The mainstream society of the text views Aborigines as savage, â€Å"no-hoper(s), river-tribe layabout(s)†. This view is clearly expressed throughout the text; by the diggers who callously slaughter the â€Å"blackskins†, the pub owner, the police, and especially by the gang in the bar who beat Billy and his family. The Aboriginal population is marginalised by mainstream society. However, Astley, by privileging the point of view of some of the Aboriginal characters, and creating main characters who sympathise with, and share some beliefs and values with the Aboriginal people, has created a cultural identity that is different from that of mainstream's society's beliefs. Aboriginal culture places great emphasis on the unity of the family, and this value is evident in Astley's text. Nelly is willing to run, and risk being hunted down, to keep her child, and Billy's first concern is his father when they are attacked in a bar. The very strong Aboriginal connection to the land is also evident in it's raining in mango. The way the land is described by the Aboriginal characters is beautiful and serene, with it's â€Å"hill(s), grey scrub against blue, the long grasses dry before the big rains†, and shows an understanding of the nature of the earth. Bidiggi automatically reaches for the earth to comfort him when his tribe is slaughtered, hiding in the water grass and falling asleep under a paperbark. These Aboriginal notions of family, and their connection to the land, provide a representation of cultural identity. The attitudes of other characters also affect the representation of Aboriginal cultural identity in this text. The Laffey family, who are centralised in the text, sympathise with the plight of the Aboriginal people. Cornelius is fired because he writes an article exposing the shocking treatment of Aboriginal people, the child George believes that Aborigines are just the same as white people, Mag and George protect Nelly and her baby, and Will tries to help Billy in the bar brawl. Because these characters are all centralised, and the reader is encouraged to agree with their values and attitudes, the reader is positioned to see the Aboriginal people as humanised, which provides an alternative representation of cultural identity to that offered by mainstream society. Other character groups are also represented in it's raining in mango, and their value systems and ideologies inform the reader of their cultural identity. These groups are the soldiers, the hippies, and the cult members. The myth of the resilient, laid-back Australian soldier is destroyed in Astley's text, and replaced instead with the image of a shattered, broken man, plagued by what he has seen. Will's experience of the war, and how he deals with it, are not the same as the romanticised identity created by main stream society. Will is instead constantly disturbed by the horrific images of his experiences at the front, and though awarded for bravery, he throws the medal in the rubbish because he does not believe that he deserved it. Thus, through Will's reaction to the war, Astley again offers an alternative to the cultural identity created by mainstream society. The hippies are represented as lazy, careless, and free. They believe in love, peace, and freedom, and regularly smoke marijuana. The hippies don't have real names, and they are constructed as drifters, travelling and moving whenever the mood seizes them. The values and ideologies of the hippies create their cultural identity, however their attitudes and actions are hypocritical, and position the reader to question the validity of the hippies' cultural identity. The members of the cult are constructed as surreal, surrounded by a blue haze. The reader sees them through the point of view of Connie, and the odd characters are almost satirised. Astley uses the cult to make another attack on institutionalised religion, suggesting that they are no better than the Father Madigans or Father Rassinis of the world, as they place their absolute faith in the intangible. Their inability to act in an emergency, such as when Connie saves the drowned man, highlights the ineffectiveness of their beliefs. The cult members' representation of cultural identity is informed through their value systems and ideologies, and is used by Astley to comment on the ineffectiveness of having faith solely in the divine, and no faith in self. In Thea Astley's it's raining in mango, the author has revealed several representations of cultural identity. She has revealed the cultural identities created by the mainstream society of the text, and then offered alternatives to these assumptions through the story of the Laffey family and other surrounding characters. The value systems and ideologies of these characters are what create the cultural identities for these groups.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Usability Testing and Heuristic Evaluation Essay

Usability Testing and Heuristic Evaluation - Essay Example Usability Testing and Heuristic Evaluation Learnability affects how fast a user can learn and use the system after undergoing a certain amount and duration of training. Efficiency affects the amount of tasks a user can perform in a set amount of time. Meanwhile, memorability enables a user to use the system after a period of inactivity without having to relearn its operation. Low error rate refers to the number of problems encountered by the user and the ease of correcting such errors. Lastly, satisfaction generally refers to the overall user perception of the system serving its intended purpose. Usability Testing The term usability testing has been generally referred to as any method used to evaluate a system or product. For the purpose of clarification, the term usability testing shall be used in this paper as a distinct empirical method of system evaluation with the goal of identifying usability issues and developing recommendation on how address such issues. Rubin and Chisnell described usability testing as a process of r ecruiting people as test participants to evaluate the system based on a series of usability guidelines. Test participants are normally composed of individuals whose profiles represent the target user audience. The inclusion of test participants based on real world parameters is what makes usability testing unique among other usability assessment methods. In this method, test participants are selected from the target user audience and are asked to perform specific tasks using a prototype of the system. During the duration of the test, user performance and reactions to the product are observed and recorded by a facilitator (Fiset, 2009). In essence, usability testing is a research tool which originated from conventional experimental methodology. The range of usability tests that can be performed is significantly broad, allowing the developer to tailor-fit approaches according to the test objectives, time constraints, and resources available (Rubin & Chisnell, 2008). Since it originate d from conventional approaches for controlled experiments, usability testing follows formal methods which include: (1) hypothesis formulation; (2) random sampling of participants; (3) utilization of experimental controls; (4) utilization of controlled groups; and (4) composition of sample size to determine statistical differences between groups (Rubin & Chisnell, 2008). Fiset (2009) outlined the following basic steps in conducting usability assessments: (1) definition of test objectives; (2) enumeration of tasks; (3) developing a prototype or mock-up of the system; (4) performing a preliminary validation test on prototype; (5) recruiting test participants; (6) preparing forms, venue, and equipment; (7) determining level of confidentiality of acquired data; (8) conducting the test proper; (9) filling out of evaluation questionnaire; (10) analysis and consolidation of results; (11) writing down of recommendations. The objectives of the usability test are normally determined by the pha se of system development the test will be carried out. Initial usability tests usually involve performing specific tasks based on the system design. As development progresses, additional objectives may be added such as identification of number errors, gauging user satisfaction, measuring time spent completing a

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Capstone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Capstone - Essay Example Strengths –one of its major strengths is its reputation for high-quality, technological innovations, and excellent customer service. This ability to leverage new technological ideas into something useful for business and especially appealing to consumers is exemplified by its catch phrase of â€Å"Think Different† which was the personal motto of its founder Steve Jobs. The people at Apple, Inc. had continued this legacy as it ventured into new areas of consumer electronics. In a sense, Apple, Inc. is a good example of the learning organization as shown by its flexibility and agility to constantly re-invent itself (Schermerhorn 2010) to respond to various threats like the rise of Samsung from South Korea and in several pending patent lawsuits still in the courts. Weaknesses – a key weakness of Apple, Inc. is it is being viewed as solely the product of the sheer force of will of Steve Jobs and who is gone due to cancer, there are some lingering doubts whether his successors can continue his legacy of innovation and thinking out of the box, so to speak. This company had transitioned well without Steve Jobs at the top but its future is not assured as it continues to battle many new entrants to an already over-crowded industry. Opportunities – the company can enter into strategic alliances with its competitors so it can better grab market share and shorten the period in bringing a new product to the market. It is a strategy adopted by the faster and nimbler Samsung when it allied itself with Apple, Inc. in the early stages of the smart phone industry but has since parted ways and now dominated the global market for this hand-held device. Apple, Inc. can further tighten its grip on the high-end tablet market by entering into business agreements with retail chains like what it did with Starbucks for its vast music catalog to create new demand for its products (Ireland et al.,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Historical antecedents of your chosen field Research Paper

Historical antecedents of your chosen field - Research Paper Example Motivation factors, consciousness level and students learning ability can be considered as historical events, which have a substantial impact on ESL (Newfoundland Labrador, 2014). Motivational factors or measures motivate the students in their learning process. ESL is essential for those students whose primary language is other than English language and who need English language as a second language to enhance their reading skills, writing skills and communication skills (Faltis, 2011; Ontario, 2007). Cultural factors or measures also have a great impact on ESL language. ESL students may be from the several cultural backgrounds and from the various attributes. Cultural factors help the students to change their behaviors and attributes by enhancing their learning skills (Faltis, 2011; Ontario, 2007). Environmental factors are also considered as historical events or measures, which have a great impact on ESL, influencing the learning process the students. Environmental factors such as technological and economic factors lay a considerable on the learning skills of the ESL students (Faltis, 2011; Ontario, 2007). The degree of consciousness as well as awareness of the students lays a great impact on ESL. If the level of awareness among the students is high, then the students can easily learn English language and improve their reading as well as writing skills (Faltis, 2011; Ontario, 2007). The ability of students to acquaint quickly with new language also helps them to acquire skills relevant to the learning process or the English language. The ability of the student is not same for every student. Some students are very intelligent and some are not. Therefore, the students who have the strong ability than other students can learn the language easily (Faltis, 2011; Ontario, 2007). These are the factors or measures, which have a huge impact on the learning process of the ESL students. ESL

Monday, August 26, 2019

Writer's choice Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Writer's choice - Coursework Example Then the next minute he says that Biff is not lazy, and this may be taken to mean that he still has hopes that his son would become rich and be successful (Hurrel, 1961). Another moment of confusion is when he calls the family car that he just finished paying for a piece of junk then later defines it as the best car that has ever been built. Clearly, he does not have a clear view of reality and what he wishes is very different from what is on the ground. He represents everyman in the sense that he wants success as other people have done before him. His view of success is distorted and has very high expectations for his sons. His sons have failed to meet his expectation making him a disillusioned man. Biff and Happy have very different characters and opinions of their father. Biff is disappointed in his fathers action. He appeared to be angry with him and disappointed in him. He once found out that his father was cheating on his mother and wanted to confront him. He feels that his father has very unrealistic expectations of him leading him to tell him that he is just an ordinary man living an ordinary life (Hurrel, 1961). He is very angry at his father for constantly talking about his disappointment in him while at the same time tries to please him. He feels that he has failed in getting the success that his father had instilled in him when he was young. ‘I realized what a ridiculous lie my whole life has been.’ Biff, act II. He had hoped that he would pass his education and head off to college. However, this did not come to pass as he failed and ended up dong manual farm work that his father is very ashamed about. Happy has a stable job unlike Biff and his attitude towards his father and the entire family is to try to maintain happiness in all of them even if it means lying to them. He first tries to convince Biff to lie that he had gotten a business deal to their father. He treats his father better in that

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Personal Management Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Personal Management Skills - Essay Example This is the most suitable way of overcoming the limitations and challenges in my current skills. Through training, I will expand my knowledge in political, economic, social cultural and technological factors which determine the attainment of my goals and objectives. I aspire to gain more experience in leadership through seeking management positions in a reputable organization. Love, (2005, p. 42) explains that experience gives leaders connections and resources which enhance achievement of the target aims and objectives. Through work experience in leadership, I will acquire connection with prominent and influential people. Moreover, work experience will help me attain the financial resources which are required for effective attainment of goals. My personal aspirations are based on the knowledge that a leader requires personal management skills such as communication, interpersonal relations, proper time and resource management. Additionally, I am aware that there are political, economi c, social-cultural and technological factors in the environment which influence the success of leadership. Personal SWOT Analysis My Strengths According to Boone & Peborde (2008), planning, resource management, communication and organizational skills are required by a leader. Additionally, an effective leader should have ability for self development and overcoming challenges. My personal strengths make me suitable for leadership because apart from been excellent in managing people, I am a very responsible person and this enables me to effectively manage both financial and human resources. Riley & Mulford (2007, p. 81) points out that ability of a leader to take responsibility in the management of financial resources demonstrates that he or she would be relied upon in leadership. I am a serious individual when it comes to work and I act professionally in execution of all duties that I am responsible for. My experiences in leadership roles make me confident that my personal management skills are adequate for a leadership role. In University I was a leader of our student association for a period of one year. In this period I applied my personal strengths to effectively lead a group of eight executives My time management skills and adaptability are among my core strengths which proved to be very important in my leadership experience in University. As a president of the students association, I was able to make timely arrangements for meetings and projects. It is through my admirable adaptability that I was able to interact with students from diverse backgrounds and accommodate their different ideas. According to the assertions of Cameron (2002), leaders need to be flexible so that they would adapt to the divergent opinions of their followers. In my leadership experience I was enabled to apply my abilities and strengths to control, align and coordinate many activities associated with student activities. However, I consider my ability to learn fast as the most lucrat ive strength which helped me to be a successful leader of the student’s association. This is because, I started as a novice leader but gained management and leadership skills very fast through quick leaning especially in professional communication and relationship with other officials and members of the association. My personal managem

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Super Bowl Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Super Bowl Project - Research Paper Example A project manager is responsible for assigning tasks and managing resources around the project until its completion. In the Super Bowl Project, the project manager is supposed to oversee smooth completion of all modules of the project (Leiker, Ellenport, 2005). The management approach used in the project is chiefly qualitative and also in their research. The project manager aims at proper understanding othe activities involved in effectively running a Super Bowl Project. His decision making aims at answering the how and why such events fail or prosper by checking a small sample. Before the project commenced, the manager checked cases occurring in similar events and their effects. The conclusions that have been prepared by the project manager have been used in efficient administration of the project and avoiding uncertainties. Quantitative approach is only slightly used in the procurement department in making projections for proper use of the budget (Buehring, Cassell, Johnson, Symon, 2006). The Super Bowl Project encompasses the events that run prior to the actual games, which are held in different venues. Project management will involve searching for sponsorship and broadcasts to create exposure for the Super Bowl. The city where the event is happening should have a good reputation so as to encourage more people to attend it. The project manager is conscientious for planning the event and creates provision and solutions for any uncertainties that may occur. Uncertainties include the venue being declared unavailable as the event approaches or lack of enough boosts from sponsors. On the actual day of the Super Bowl, the safety of attendants should be enhanced ensuring that there are health facilities close to the venue. Due to hysteria during games there is a possibility of mass illness and so the medical facilities should accommodate above 25,000 people. As a result of the recent terrorism threats, the project manager should liaise with the governor to provide extra National Guards. A proper evacuation plan should be made in case of an emergency to ensure the fans safely make it out of the Super Bowl venue (Leiker, Ellenport, 2005). Proper insurance measures should also be placed against the property used during the event, as well as the participant’s health. The coverage should also apply to the media and sponsors in case there is a cancelation and fans need a refund on their ticket money. The project manager has to gather a number of insurers and choose the most suitable for the job. Most of the risk management that is involved in the Super Bowl project revolves around the activities happening outside the football games. The project manager should ensure that proper planning in ancillary events as well as the actual Super Bowl. The Department of Code Enforcement of Indiana has actively inspected the venue where the Super Bowl is set to be held (Leiker, Ellenport, 2005). Each structure involved in the event is inspected and the st andards used to set up temporary structures set together with those of permanent structures. The organizational structure used in the project is matrix, which involves grouping the people involved on functionality and expected results. This ensures that the people in both groups make up for each other’s weaknesses and increase productivity of the product. Balanced matrix was applied to divide the project in phases and departments to

Friday, August 23, 2019

Process Managemant Facilitated the more Widespread Implementation of Essay

Process Managemant Facilitated the more Widespread Implementation of Information Systems within Business - Essay Example Today, process management more and more relies on a considerable extent on achieving success through the development of new IS. Process management facilitated implementation of IS within business to ensure that the processes generated by such developments is spread around the business as widely as possible to those who might put it to good use. The research paper is aimed to investigate the main driven theories, values and assumptions that are shaping a usage of IS in process management from 1990s to present, and examine the influence of process management on the degree of IS implementation within business. "Process management is the ensemble of activities of planning and monitoring the performance of a process, especially in the sense of business process, often confused with reengineering. Process Management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, techniques and systems to define, visualize, measure, control, report and improve processes with the goal to meet customers requirements profitably" (Wikipedia, 2005). Recent years process management implement Information Systems in order to improve quality of the processes and speed. With the changing economic environment, factors such as globalization of markets, international economic integration, removal of barriers to business and trade and increased competition have enhanced the need of high standards in process management. ... e in making or breaking the competitive positioning, and recent development in information technologies and software opens new opportunities for global organizations. Technology may be central to companies adopting a global strategy. "Information systems can be defined as" a set of interrelated components that collect, process, store, and distribute information to support decision making and control in an organization. In addition to supporting decision making, coordination, and control, information systems may also help managers and workers analyze problems, visualize complex subjects, and create new products" (Boar, 1994). From process management perspective, an information system is an organizational and management solution, based on information technology, to a challenge posed by the environment. Examine this definition closely because it emphasizes the organizational and management nature of information systems: To understand information systems-to be information systems literate as opposed to computer literate-a manager must understand the broader organization, management, and information technology dimensions of systems and their power to provide solutions to challenges and problems in the business environment. With the development of technology and software in particular, IS allows to solve a wider range of problems and tasks by means of computers. In this case, process management software developed at the middle of 1990s helps to connect people in global organization who operate in a distance, and has no opportunity to use printed matters or other sources. That is why it has become an important area for process managers, who are in a strong position to exert influence in this aspect of people management. The popularity of Information Systems in process

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Letter of Advice Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Letter of Advice - Case Study Example Policemen may use emergency powers in urgent situations.1 The powers available to the police under this section were also applied in Operation Saeta from 17-19 December 2005, immediately after the Cronulla riots, during which 16 vehicles and 56 mobile phones were seized2. You were leaving an area where there had been a disturbance and the area had been placed under a lockdown. The law makes it clear that the police must not refuse permission to a person wishing to leave an area that has been cordoned off "unless it is reasonably necessary to do so to avoid a risk to public safety or to the person's own safety."3 But the expanded powers under Section 6A as mentioned above, do allow the police to prevent people entering and even leaving, authorized target areas where there is or has been large scale disorder. These provisions under Section 6A were also applied on 19 March 2006, to set up roadblocks and prevent cars exiting Brighton Le Sands from moving towards Cronulla, to prevent what police perceived to be threatened public disorder event. Thus, I believe Constable Green's confiscation of your phone and car may have been within legal limits. In reference to your arrest, a person may be arrested for a breach of the peace when the policeman making the arrest has a reasonable apprehension of imminent danger of a breach of peace.4 However, if an arrest is to be lawful, an arresting officer must inform the arrestee of the grounds for arrest, at the time of arrest or as soon as practicable, failing which there can be grounds for a possible claim for damages5 because the police can only do what is practicable.6 The recent case of Coleman v Australia7 raised the issue of interference with individual rights through the application of the provisions of the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 1997. The complained was arrested and detained for five days and contested the case under his right to freedom from arbitrary detention under Article 9 of the ICCPR. The Court in this case, found that there had been a violation of the complainant's human rights. Despite the existence of the new expanded powers available to the police as I have cited earlier, they are also required to arrest a person only as a last resort.8 There is a requirement to give information and warnings when the police are exercising their powers.9 On this basis, you may be able to contest the decision by the police officer to make an arrest, since such an arrest would not be justified in an instance where only a limited power of arrest applies.10 If I can be of further assistance, please let me know. Yours

Understanding of Pain and Suffering Essay Example for Free

Understanding of Pain and Suffering Essay Everyone has a different perception of pain and what it means to one’s state of health. Pain can be physical or psychological; it can also be acute of chronic. All pains and aches are a maker of some type of suffering. My understanding of pain and suffering mainly comes from previous experiences of from my own state of discomfort and also from observation of patients at work. After reading book titled â€Å"The Anatomy of Hope† by Dr. Jerome Goodman, I realized how little I really knew about pain and suffering. This lecture contains many stories of the prevalence of pain for patients during the course of illness. In having studied these readings, a newfound understanding of how pain works in the lives of people who are struggling with health concerns has helped to illuminate how I can be a better health service provider. Helping patients to find internal hope and faith can aid them in their struggle for health and improved quality of life. In one of the chapters entitled, â€Å"The Right to Hope†, the author talks about his colleague, George Griffin, a specialist in treating stomach cancer who ironically gets diagnosed with a terminal case of stomach cancer. Against the odds, George undergoes intensive and painful treatments in order to fight the deadly disease. As a physician, George had knowledge about the severity of this condition, but as a human, he wanted to live. As a result of his determination, he gathered all of his strength and pushed himself through intense chemotherapy as well as suffering during recovery from the painful surgery. I think George’s view that â€Å"all of us have natural fear of death, but his belief in God and in afterlife assuaged it† played an important role in his decision to undergo the treatment (Groopman, 62). His will to live, faith in life, and struggle for what is good and healthy was an extremely powerful aspect of his own treatment, and I commend him for enlightening others about the powerful gift of spiritual faith and hope. George survived, yet he endured a lot of pain and suffering along the way. Furthermore, George wanted to prove that there is always â€Å"inherent of the uncertainty in the behavior of even the worst diseases†. By working through his own illness, he disproved the negative prognoses by his own strength and willpower. Also, he wanted to â€Å"spark hope that went beyond clinical truth† (Groopman, 78). George’s battle with cancer taught me that perhaps it is more difficult to beat the odds if they are familiar to a person, but in the end heritage and faith can go beyond clinical expertise and assist someone in the fight for life. George won his battle with cancer but he proved that it is worth it to have hope under even the most extreme circumstances and it is part of the human spirit to let miracles happen (Groopman, 81). Another valuable story which assisted me in understanding the terms of pain and suffering when a patient is initially resistant in the struggle for hope is also written by Dr. Groopman and is entitled â€Å"Step by Step†. The reading is about a non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma patient named Dan. He refuses all the treatment and does not want to have hope in his cure. We find out later in the story that Dan based his decision on personal experience from the past when his veteran friend lost battle to cancer in spite of all the pain, suffering, and struggling he endured during his stay in ICU. Dan did not have medical knowledge and he did not want to undergo the same suffering and complications as his friend who eventually died. As time is running out, Dan’s symptoms tend to worsen, illustrating the patient’s hopeless experience of illness, not just the biology of the disease (Groopman, 93). Things change for Dan when Dr. Groopman changes his approach and tries hard to lessen Dan’s fear. He presents him realistic outcomes and knowledge about the treatments. I think he did marvelous job by telling Dan that everyone reacts to treatments differently, allowing Dan the chance to hope, increasing his faith and supporting the possibility of recovery. Eventually, Dan accepts treatment in steps as part of bargain and notices improvement. I think that Dan suffered in watching his friend fight and die, so he did not want to have false hope and fail. However, the support of a good health provider can assist even the most resistant patient in finding internal hope and strength, the personal power to fight an illness. I learned from those two stories that it is how we approach the subject of pain and suffering which can either strengthen or weaken a person. Constructive and positive interaction can work wonders in helping to dissolve destructive and negative thinking, helping to increase the chances of success and the alleviating pain and suffering. I also learned that the way we understand a concept can be altered by many factors, for example like in Dan’s case previous negative of experience. Seeing suffering and death and the failure of treatments can instill a sense of fear and hopelessness in a person, however, it is important to note that fear and hopelessness will not be helpful to anyone. George’s story was going against the odds and accepting pain and suffering as part of the journey. In my opinion, a healthcare provider can’t always just focus on the clinical presentations, one has to explore deeper into a people’s souls to what really troubles them, what can possible cause a delay in recovery, and help the person to find a reliable source of strength.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Inattentional Blindness: Cell Phone Use while Walking

Inattentional Blindness: Cell Phone Use while Walking Holly Schwartz How is walking affected by the use of cell phone created inattentional blindness? In a case study conducted on the campus of Western Washington University in 2009, cell phone use was compared to those students walking alone or in pairs, in order to compare their attention to their surrounding environments. Prior to the experiment, it was already noted that cell phone users were 21.3% more likely to weave and 29.8% more likely to change direction, then stay on a straight path across the chosen square on the campus (Hyman, Boss, Wise, McKenzie, Caggiano, 2009). The experiment took it further by incorporating a clown on a unicycle, adorned in purple clothing, large feet, and a red nose. As the students finished crossing the square, the interviewers asked two questions of them. First, if they had noticed anything out of the ordinary (Hyman, Boss, Wise, McKenzie, Caggiano, 2009). Second, if there had been a clown (Hyman, Boss, Wise, McKenzie, Caggiano, 2009). In this particular study, out of those using cell phones, only 25% had actually seen the gentleman on the un icycle (Hyman, Boss, Wise, McKenzie, Caggiano, 2009). That would mean that at least 75% of those users experienced inattentional blindness as an effect of their use of cell phones (Hyman, Boss, Wise, McKenzie, Caggiano, 2009). During their crossing, the weaving and changing of direction, as well as their slower gait, probably led to the blindness, as their attention was not focused in one direction. In fact, individuals who have divided their cognitive needs are generally unaware of their environmental stimuli. It is theorized that cell phone use drains attentional resources, which in turn leads to inattentional blindness (Hyman, Boss, Wise, McKenzie, Caggiano, 2009). Unicycling clown [Digital image]. (2013, July 3). Retrieved March 26, 2017, from What are the effects of cell phone use while driving in reference to inattentional blindness? Most people may agree on the fact that texting on a cell phone while driving is not conducive to a safe driving experience, either for the person driving or the general public around them. What is not generally agreed upon is the talking while driving, whether hands on or hands free. In American society, there is a common belief that a person can successfully multitask, when in reality this is not a successful endeavor if that person would like to accomplish all tasks at an optimal level. The brain cannot multitask well (National safety council, 2012). In the example of driving and talking on a cell phone, vision is greatly affected. While driving, the driver gathers most of their information through visual cues. Road signs, traffic signals, and other drivers, all give information to the person driving in order to make safe driving decisions. In recent studies of cell phone use and driving, statistics have shown that at least 50% of the visual information provided to drivers while un der the influence of cell phone use, are both looked at but remain unseen (National safety council, 2012). This indicates cognitive distracted inattentional blindness occurs regularly among these users. It is contributed to an attentional withdrawal from visual information where the compensation of too much information to the brain is shown by the brains decision to to send some of that information to memory (National safety council, 2012). Since the information is not there, then the drivers are unaware that there was any information to begin with. The distracted drivers may look forward through the windshield, but their view is narrowed from the entire environment (National safety council, 2012). Understanding the distracted brain [Digital image]. (2011, June 11). Retrieved March 26, 2017, from References: Â   Hyman, I.E., Boss, M., Wise, B.M., McKenzie, K.E., Caggiano, J.M. (2009, October). Did You See the Unicycling Clown? Inattentional Blindness while Walking and Talking on a Cell Phone. Applied cognitive psychology, 24(), 597-607. doi:10.1002/acp.1638 National safety council. (2012). Understanding the distracted brain. Retrieved from

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Effect of Vermiwash on Crop Growth Performance

Effect of Vermiwash on Crop Growth Performance GROUP MEMBERS: Introduction Panchagavya is an organic formulation, which is prepared out of unique combination of five products of cow viz., cow milk, curd, ghee, urine and fresh dung at appropriate quantities collected from lactating heifers. It is an organic plant liquid fertilizer. It is organic growths that act as a stimulant for all types of plants, milk producing animals such as cow and goat. Panchagavya is also a traditional method, used to safeguard plants and soil micro-organisms and to increase plant production. Panchagavya application is found to be more profitable than recommended fertilizer application and chemical spray. The modified versions used for organic farming have been standardized by experimental trials. The market demand for organic produce gave further momentum to the organic movement, and eventually sporadic attempts have been made to detoxify the land, dispense with chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides, and grow crops organically. There was no organic substitute for these chemicals, yet the cause of organic agriculture picked up momentum. The current global scenario firmly emphasizes the need to adopt eco-friendly agricultural practices for sustainable agriculture. Chemical agriculture has made an adverse impact on the health-care of not only soil but also the beneficial soil microbial communities and the plants cultivated in these soils. This eventually has lead to a high demand for organic produce by the present-day health conscious society and sporadic attempts are being made by farmers all over the world to detoxify the land by switching over to organic farming dispensing with chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides. Organic manure replaced chemical fertilizers, herbal extracts replaced pesticides and fungicides, but nothing was available to replace growth promoting hormones and immunity boosters for plants. The organic system was imperfect and continued to be incomplete for want of an input to replace growth- promo ting hormones and immunity boosters, to maximize the efficiency of cultivated crops and coordinate the process leading to sustained higher productivity. Materials 5 kg of cow dung 3 liters of cow’s urine I liter ghee 3 liters coconut water 2 liters milk 2 liters curd 3 kg molasses 12 bananas Preparation Method The cow dung was weighted and divided into two which consist only 2.5 kg. After that, the cow urine also been measured into 1.5 liters each. Later, the ghee was weighted to 500 ml. The ingredients was mixed in the 2 drum tongs and leave at the shady area without covered for 3 days After 3 days, the remained ingredient was added. The coconut water was measured into 1.5 ml each and mixed into 2 drum tongs. After that, 1 liter milk and curd was measured and added to each tongs. Later, 1.5 kg molasses was weighted and added. The molasses was a replacement for sugarcane juice. Last but not least, the 6 bananas were smashed and added into the tongs. All the ingredient was mixed thoroughly and carefully mixed for about 10 days. After 10 days, the panchagavya mixed had be diluted with water and can be sprayed to the plant. The diluted panchagavya was sprayed twice a day, in the morning and at evening. The dilution ratio: 3 liters of panchagavya: 97 liters water = 100 liters diluents Discussion Benefits Increases immunity of plants and other living organisms to fight diseases; cures already infested plants and other living organisms Stimulates growth of plants with more branches Sustains drought conditions Increases yield. Panchagavya for animal health Panchagavya is a living elixir of many micro organisms, bacteria, fungi, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, known and unknown growth promoting factors micronutrients trace elements antioxidant and immunity enhancing factors. When taken orally by animals and human beings, the living micro organisms in the Panchagavya stimulate the immune system and produce lot of antibodies against the ingested microorganisms. It acts like vaccine. This response of the body increases the immunity of animals and humans and thus helps to prevent illness and cures disease. It slows down the aging process and restores youthfulness. The other factors present in Panchagavya improve apetite, digestion and assimilation and elimination of toxins in the body. Constipation is totally cured. Thus the animals and humans become hale and healthy with shining hair and skin. The weight gains are impressive. Effect of Panchakavya Leaf Plants sprayed with Panchagavya invariably produce bigger leaves and develop denser canopy. The photosynthetic system is activated for enhanced biological efficiency, enabling synthesis of maximum metabolites and photosynthesis. Stem The trunk produces side shoots, which are sturdy and capable of carrying maximum fruits to maturity. Branching is comparatively high. Roots The rooting is profuse and dense. Further they remain fresh for a long time. The roots spread and grow into deeper layers were also observed. All such roots help maximum intake of nutrients and water. Yield There will be yield depression under normal circumstances, when the land is converted to organic farming from inorganic systems of culture. The key feature of Panchagavya is its efficacy to restore the yield level of all crops when the land is converted from inorganic cultural system to organic culture from the very first year. The harvest is advanced by 15 days in all the crops.It not only enhances the shelf life of vegetables, fruits and grains, but also improves the taste. By reducing or replacing costly chemical inputs, Panchagavya ensures higher profit and liberates the organic farmers from loan. Drought Hardiness A thin oily film is formed on the leaves and stems, thus reducing the evaporation of water. The deep and extensive roots developed by the plants allow withstanding long dry periods. Both the above factors contribute to reduce the irrigation water requirement by 30% and to ensure drought hardiness. References (referred on 25/5/2015) Manual, P. Book on Panchagavya. 1–37 (referred on 25/5/2015) (referred on 25/5/2015);jsessionid=E59D6E1B15DE2A342D36EF7BA3EAED0B (referred on 25/5/2015) (referred on 25/5/2015) Vermiwash Introduction Vermiwas is a watery extract of compost, collected after water had passed down through several layers of waste in a barrel or container and also through a column of worm action which is very useful to crop producers. Furthermore, it is actually a collection of earthworm’s mucus secreation, excretory products together with micronutrients from the soil organic molecules. Physical characteristics of vermiwash is that it will appear as clear, transparent, pale yellow fluid provided it was collected properly. Sometimes it will turn to be honey-brown colour which is also commonly used in the agriculture field. Earthworms are the main agent that helps fasten the process of decomposting and reduce the period for the vermiwash to be ready. Main reason on why earthworms are being used is due to the coelomic fluid in their body which helps keeping the body wet and are always secreted by their body. Vermiwash originally derives from the coelomic fluid which was released by the earthworm a nd Coelomicites, Granulocites and Limphoidocites cells were found to be present in the coelomic fluid. Advantages of having those 3 cells are that it facilitates wound healing in earthworms and provide immune power to them. They are found to be protected from diseases caused pathogen due to the failure of pathogens in surviving in that fluid. Having added earthworms in the vermiwash helps decomposing organic matter and turning nutrients into a form available to plants. Earthworms fed on decaying plant and soil where they digest it and excrete it. Liquid consisting of nutriets such as calcium, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus are the excretion matter by the earthworms. this liquid makes up vermiwash hence helping plant to be able to absorb it. Objective To study the effect of applying vermiwash on the growth performance of the crop. Material and apparatus Barrel 100L Broken bricks Thick sand Earthworms Cowdung + soil + hay Cow urine Sprinkler Tap water Filter paper/ muslin cloth Procedure A barrel that can withhold 10 to 100 litres of liquid that comes intact with an outlet for the collection of vermiwash was prepared. In the barrel, different layers were placed from the bottom till the top . The first most layer which was placed at the base of the barrel was the washed and broken pieces of bricks which was prepared as a layer of 25 perccent length. After that, a layer of 25 percent of washed thick sand was added on the first layer. The third layer would be the cowdung soil and hay layer which were added on the thick sand layer. Next, tap water was used to spray on the layer bed and the wash off water will pass through the outlet of the barrel. The 5th procedure was then continued for around 2 to 3 days so that more wastes were washed out. Then, a species of earthworms were introduced into the side soil layer of 40-50 sq. ft and 10 percent layer of cowdung was added before the barrel was closed or covered using filter paper or muslin cloth. The sprayed water from above that had passed through perforated mud or metal pot with the capacity of 5 litre was collected from the bottom of the barrel. Finally, the vermiwash was ready to be used where it is suggested to use either as it is or by diluting it with water or 10 percent cow’s urine. Discussion Physic-chemical characteristics After the success production of vermiwash, the physic-chemical characteristics of the vermiwash can be measured. It is better to measure because it can determine or proves that the vermiwash that had been prepared manually have the correct range of physic-chemical characteristics. The first characteristics is the pH where it is normally around pH 6.9. the dissolved oxygen reading would be 1.14 ppm whereas its alkalinity is around 70.00 ppm. Other than that, vermiwash have 110.00 ppm levels for chloride and 177.00 ppm for sulfates content. Besides that, it had been recorded in previous study that the reading for inorganic phosphate was around 50.9 mg/l ahile its ammonical nitrogen was around 2.00 ppm. Furthermore, it had 69.00 level for potassium and 122.00 ppm for sodium content in the vermiwash. Application of Vermiwash The common practice to apply vermiwash can be either by pouring it onto the soil at the base of the plant or it can be sprayed at the leaves of the plant. It had been said that by spraying it onto the leaves, the epidermis of the leaves will be strengther or stronger thus decreasing the level of damage that had been caused by aphids and penetrating fungal spores. In large farms that had been practicing irrigation method as part of their water management for the crop, they can apply vermiwash using irrigation method for example in the drip system. Effect Of Vermiwash On The Quality and Yield Of Crops According to a recent findings, antibacterial properties can be found in the coelomic fluid produced by the earthworm body. previous studies had shown that the quality and quantity of yield had improved remarkablely after vermiwash was sprayed on the vegetables. Furthermore, even the foliage of the crop turned dense green in 2 to 3 days. Karuna et al. (1999) had studied on two different concentrations of vermiwash of Eudrilus eugeniae which was sprayed on anthuriums to study its effect. Findings of the study showed that the most effective percentage of vermiwash to be used was 50 percent which is good in inducing vegetative growth such as number of suckers, length, breadth of leaves, length of petiole and develop early flowering in plants. Next study done by Balam (2002) on biopesticidal properties of vermiwash produced using cowdung and vegetable wastes by inoculating earthworm species (E. foetida) in the laboratory also to determine the effect of using the vermiwash on cowpea for v mildew disease. Findings from the study showed that usage of 20 percent to 30 percent of vermiwash will cause the inhibition of mycelial growth of pathogenic test fungi. Vermicompost and vermiwash were proven to be able to control disease powdery mildew at 75.14 % rate when applied. On the other hand, another effective treatment was combining vermicompost, vermiwash and 10 % cow urine which said to be able to control disease at 73.37 % rate. Conclusion As a conclusion, there are many things found around us that can be turned into something useful for us humans. Daily, human produces many waste either at home, farm production and other activities. All those waste which were once simply being thrown away in the river, on empty land, and other places on earth that ends up polluting the environment can now be make use of. Methods had been discovered on how and what to be done with those waste that can benefits us all either by suppling nutrients to the soil or crop which is environmental friendly, made without a single harmful chemical, nutritious and more importantly, cheap to be produced compared by using the chemical fertilizer, pesticide, fungicide and others. The usage of worms which was known to be useful in the degradation of stuff helps in vermicomposting thus vermiwash. Proves can be found in journals and books done by researches that approves the usage of vermiwash which was said to be more beneficial towards producers, crops , soil and not to forget mother nature. Referrences The Complete Technology Book on Vermiculture and Vermicompost By NPCS Board of Consultants Engineers. (referred on 26/5/2015) Text Book Of Applied Zoology By P.V. Jabde. (referred on 26/5/2015) The Complete Technology Book on Vermiculture and Vermicompost By Niir Board. (referred on 26/5/2015) Verms Vermitechnology By Arvind Kumar. (referred on 26/5/2015)

Monday, August 19, 2019

term paper :: essays research papers

Notes   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Interpersonal communication occurs within interpersonal relationships. Interpersonal relationship is the association of two people who are interdependent, they use consistent patterns of interaction, and who have interacted for a descended amount of time. There are two important interpersonal relationships, inclusion and control they both include involving others in the conversation. The difference is control is the ability to influence others, and inclusion is becoming involved with others (need for affection, or holding fond or tender feelings toward someone.) pg. 170 There is also symmetrical relationships with people mirror each other or are similar. There is a dark side to interpersonal relationships. Some may find that interpersonal relationships can be painful and negative. This includes obsession, fatal attraction, and jealousy. These can often cause abuse, sexual, physical, mental, and emotional. Also negative relationships include gossip, conflict, and codependency with can create harmful results to the relationship. Relational development is the process by which relationships grow. (important). There are five stages to interpersonal relationships; Initiating, experimenting, intensifying, integration, and bonding. Initiating is the beginning period of interaction. Experimenting is when two people have a clear understanding to find out more about each other. Intensifying involves active participation, mutual concern, and awareness of the developing relationship. Integrating is when people in the relationship start to mirror each others behavior. Bonding is the final stage when they commit to each other. Relational maintenance is very important because of the strategies that keep the relationship together. Massage characteristics can have many different meanings. Hurtful messages are messages that create emotional pain or upset, they can end the relationship. Deceptive communication is the practice of deliberately making someone believe things that are not true.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Roman Holiday :: essays research papers

Review: Roman Holiday Roman Holiday is a famous and important film for many reasons, probably most for introducing the world to the incomparable Audrey, here in her first major starring role, and one which won her an Academy Award. With lots chemistry, inspired direction by William Wyler, and impressive locale work, shot completely on location in Rome, this ranks as one of the best romantic comedies ever made. It's a modern-day twist on a fairy tale, where the princess wishes to be a normal young girl, rather than the other way around. Hepburn plays Princess Ann, much beloved royalty whose every move is followed by the country, and every day is completed scheduled with monotonous formalities and appearances, which have begun to grow tedious for a young woman looking to have some excitement in her life. She wants to have some fun and spontaneity in her life, so one night while she is visiting Rome, Ann makes her escape from her handlers and heads to the streets of the city, where a handsome new reporter, Joe Bradley (Peck) stumbles upon her. There appears to be no place for her to go, so Joe takes her to his apartment for the evening, but the next day he discovers he may be onto the scoop of a lifetime when he realizes that the woman in his bed is none other than the most beloved figures in the world. His plan is to entertain her while she is in town, without letting her know he is really j ust trying to get the inside info on the woman for his article, and she also hides her identity in hopes of being seen as the average girl in the free world. Perhaps the most impressive aspect of this rather old fashioned romance is how funny it actually is, while still maintaining a sense of subtlety throughout. This is not a story driven plot, but rather, a collection of charming and amusing moments that, when added up for the duration, becomes something quite substantial. The character development involved is flawless, as we grow to like, and in some senses love, the main players, thanks in large part to the terrific Academy Award winning screenplay by Dalton Trumbo here credited as Ian McLellan Hunter due to a blacklisting that forced him to write under a pseudonym. Even with the quality writing, none of this could have worked if overplayed by the director or if stars were cast who weren't as likeable, and on all fronts,

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Lifestyle – Then and Now

Lifestyle is the way a person lives. The human body and mind have adequately adapted to their changing lifestyle. Many factors have affected the lifestyle of a person – technology, health, environment, culture, society, etc. One of the biggest changes that affected mankind has been the discovery of fire and the wheel. Many years and discoveries later, it was the invention of electricity. Due to electricity, technology developed. Technology has changed all the fields such as – warfare, agriculture, transportation – air, sea and land travel, , manufacturing, medicine, communication, information, etc.With the advancement of the human race, many new inventions and discoveries were added to the ever growing list. But along with the advantages, it brought some disadvantages as well. Earlier people had more interaction with each other. There was no TV or computer to distract them. They were able to spend time with each other and they were more relaxed. The TV and the co mputer have become a kind of addiction for most of the people now and they find it hard to stop using it. Now most of the time both the parents would be working long hours and there is no time for them to be with their family.They are stressed out most of the time and are too tired to talk even when they get some free time. In earlier days not many people had a car. There might be one car in the whole neighbourhood. It was something that only the rich could afford. Most people used the public transport or walked if they wanted to go somewhere. Walking was a part of life and not considered to be a great task. Many people lived as joint families in large houses with many children, aunts, uncles, and other relatives.There was always someone to talk to, someone to share the household chores with, etc. With the advancement of technology, nuclear families have emerged. It has brought with it more independence for the individual but more loneliness as well. All in all, lifestyle has change d significantly from the days of the early caveman to the present day technology savvy man. There have been both positive and negative changes that have happened. In the years ahead, many more changes will still take place. The human race will continue to adapt and evolve to embrace these changes.

Derivative Markets Essay

Last dozen of years are characterized by rash growth of volumes of national and international markets of derivative finance instruments or derivative markets. By opinion of experts, appearance and development of derivative markets is the most important event of economic life within last twenty five years. In the very name of these instruments – â€Å"derives† lays the fact that they appeared and started to develop on basis of floaters and futures almost for all types of exchange products (starting with oil and gas and ending with soy beans and orange juice), and also for exchange index, percent rates, rate of exchange, etc. Presently new types of derivates appeared: on the basis of sea freight rates (London), cost of microprocessors, permissions for environment pollution (USA), etc. To the first generation of derivates specialists relate futures and stock option plans, which are used at organized markets (exchanges) in form of standardized contracts, and also popular at non-exchange market (market OTC – over-the-counter) (William Falloon pp. 26-28) currency swaps, stock option plans and inter-bank agreements regarding forward rate agreement. From the very beginning the main functions of derivates was to provide distribution of risks among participants of business deal, connected with change of stuff price, rates of exchange, percent rates, stock rates, exchange indexes, etc. Nowadays operations with derivates are still the main way of insurance from different risks and risk management. The first signs at derivative markets became successful issue of currency futures in 1972 at Chicago Mercantile Exchange; the second issue of percentage futures followed in 1975 at Chicago Board of Trade. In the first half of 1980-s rapid growth (Remolona, Eli, M., pp. 28-43) of operations with derivates, followed with appearance of more and more new types of derivates. In 1980 appeared New York Futures Exchange; in 1982 – London international Financial Futures and Options; in 1986 – MATIF – Marche a terme international de France in Paris; in 1988 – Swiss Options and Financial Futures Exchanges, etc. At these and other organized (exchange) markets trade is fulfilled by standard (typical) contracts, which are sold or at exchange auctions (MATIF in France), or with help of automatized information systems (for example, Globex). Final calculations for all deals are made by computational (compensational) palates (George Benston and Shehzad Mian pp. 217-246) The first â€Å"legal† operation of currency swap (exchange of dollar to Swiss francs) was made in August 1981 between American company IBM and International Bank of Reconstruction and Development. Market of percentage swaps appeared in the United States by initiative of company â€Å"Sallie Mae†. The major part of swap operations was executed by leading international banks, which in the beginning were present as mediators between participants of currency swaps. In succeeding years banks became to work as active participants of derivative deals, acting at their own cost and in their own interests.   When in the first half of 1980-s derivative market was developing mainly in the United States, in the second half derivative market started to develop quickly in Europe and Japan. Volume of world market of swap operations increased from 200 milliard dollars in 1985 to 2900 milliard dollars in 1990. Such quick growth was stipulated with legal standardization of contracts, development of information systems and means of communications. According to data of questionnaire which was executed by International Swaps and Derivatives Associations, volume of world derivative market for the beginning of 1993 was 5.4 trillion dollars, including percentage swaps – 3.9 trillion dollars, currency swaps – 860 milliard dollars, cap and floor operations – 577 milliard dollars. By approximate estimation of magazine â€Å"Swap Monitor†, volume of derivative markets was much higher – 7 trillion dollars (at the same date of 1993). In the United States only 6 banks control 90% of derivative markets. In France 80 banks act at the market of currency contracts; at option market – 24 banks. Volume of operations with derivates at exchange and non-exchange markets, which make French credit institutions and which are shown at their balance, in 2.2 times exceeds amount of their balances. By information of International Calculations Bank, already in 1991 volume of OTC market was 4500 milliard dollars. From that time its volume significantly increased. Quick growth of derivative market volume in the beginning of 1990-s is connected with increasing of instability and uncertainty at world financial markets, also influenced by such events as was at Persian Gulf, collapse of USSR, crisis of European system of currency, etc. besides, progress in the field of informational technology, which allowed to process big volumes of information almost immediately and great funds, involved in financial turnover, give grounds to speak about existence of real industry of derivates. As we already spoke about, quick growth of derivative market was accompanied by appearance of new and new their types and kinds; this process developed and continues to develop in legal and non-official market. Financial instruments, which represent different combinations of derivates of the first generation, quickly were added to the first derivate generation (for example, combination of percentage options â€Å"cap/floor†, swaptions – combination of swap and option. In the beginning of 1990-s appeared such exotic instruments as swaps for non-typical indexes, annulated swaps, options for options, etc. One of novelties for Parisian exchange was issue of bons d’option, which gives right to the buyer for purchase of actions or debentures by fixed price. During the last four years number of diversities of such warranties increased from 15 to 500, they are in easy access to any investor, even those who doesn’t have big amount of money. Appearance of new types and kinds of derivates is stipulated not only by increasing demands of clients in more perfect means of insurance from risks (Ludger Hentschel and Clifford Smith Jr., pp. 101-126), but also by constant perfection of informational technology and equipment, mechanisms of price formation and models of risk management. At the same time legal standards of regulating operations with derivates were developed and perfected; new forms of standard contracts appeared. Operations with derivates started to be used more frequently not only for insurance from risks and risk management, but for aims of speculation, i.e. receiving profit from them. By opinion of experts, nowadays the following subjects take place at the derivative markets: Industrial companies, which can use operations with derivates to reach such aims as: – Decreasing of indebtedness burden at the expense of getting necessary financial means by possible cheap price; – Increasing of flexibility in management of financial holdings, not limited by usage of debentures or short-term commercial documents; – Perfection of management cash balance and regulation of financial flow, connected with cash inflow and cash spending; – Fast receiving of necessary funds by relatively low prices in case unexpected needs in financing take place; – Perfection and dynamics of process management by liquid assets of enterprise. Although enterprises, which use all enumerated possibilities of operations with derivates, are quite rare, from now on these operations cannot be ignored by those enterprises, who intend to lead dynamic strategy of management by thief financial resources. Different investment funds, which control investment portfolio, use operations with derivates as flexible means of funds management. Special companies or funds (so-called stockjobbers), which make derivative operations to receive profit, because those operations allow even with small expenses to get big profit, indeed, in condition of favorable circumstances for such stockjobber. In such a way American fund â€Å"Quantum Fund†, which belongs to famous financier George Sores, and which is specialized on currency deals, including derivates as well, since 1969 every year increased its income for 35%; today it exceeds 4 milliard dollars. Totally in the United States there are more than 3 thousand of such funds, which manage approximately by 25 milliard dollars, which are used only for speculative operations. There are 23 similar funds, which are legally registered in France. Individual stockbrokers, which make operations with derivates at their own expense. Activity of those subjects, which in the USA are called â€Å"local† and in France â€Å"negociateurs independants de parquet†, assists in increasing of liquidity financial market. Special companies-organizers of the market, including compensational palates, which control execution of contracts and execute calculations, receiving definite commissions. In such a way in France company MATIF received for each operation of purchase or sale of pressing contract 6.25 francs, what allowed to increase own funds to 800 million francs. In 1993 MATIF worked up 72 million of contracts, whereas at Chicago Mercantile Exchange were sold 179 million of contracts. Banks, working in legal and non-official market, receive the biggest income from derivative operations. Supervision instances controlling bank activities (for example, there is Bank Commission in France) are anxious because of uncontrolled growth of bank derivative operations. Operations with different kinds of options, especially related to such indexes, which change quickly, as shares indexes, prices for non-ferrous metals, raw materials, etc. give the biggest concern. Supervision instances don’t limit usage of derivative operations in order to insure credit and market risks (Sanjiv Ranjan Das pp. 7-23), but at the same time they establish rule of paying capacity, in accordance with which amount of own derivate funds of certain credit enterprise should cover credit (risk of unredeemed credit) and market risks. Other aspects of regulation non-organized markets are not developed enough. In all leading Western countries development of those measures is behind the tempo of growth of OTC market capacity, where calculation (compensational) palates are absent and business deals have long-term character. For organized derivative markets the main problems still are guaranteeing security and control. Compensational palates watch timeliness of final calculations and amount of deposits of their members, which operate at derivative market. These deposits guarantee that they will fulfill their obligations: in case amount of deposit is lower than definite level, it should be filled up immediately. In such a way, at MATIF’s accounts are 20 milliard francs, paid-in by its members as guarantee of calculations. Financiers work to standardize contracts for derivative deals in the international level. In such a way, created in 1985 International Swap and Derivatives Association worked out frame contract for derivative operations, consisting of two parts: in the first part there are obligatory common statements (ways of calculations and their regulation, declarations of the parties, procedures of canceling the contract, etc), and in the second part there are statements, which can be changed by wish of the parties. In June 1993 report of 30 leading specialists for financial operations was published, where they formulated recommendations to banks and other enterprises, which lead operations with derivates or are their final users. By opinion of experts, these enterprises should give acces to that market only for professionals. Many experts point at explosive character of derivative market, because there can appear chain reaction of bankruptcy (domino effect). Non-exchange market is more dangerous in this respect, where the business deals are often concluded â€Å"for the word of honor†. Unexpected collapse of one of the banks can cause chain reaction of bankruptcies of other banks. By words of A. Taylor, president of Royal Bank of Canada, derivates represent bomb of delayed-action, which, once exploded, can completely ruin world financial system. Although derivative deals have a lot of risk and can provoke the crisis, you cannot live without them in the modern financial markets, because they assist in increasing of liquidity and effectiveness of financial markets, decreasing of cost for market transactions (deals). As was written in French magazine â€Å"Expansion†, future experts, probably, will examine derivates as financial novelty, which saved world economical growth from paralysis. Works Cited: George Benston and Shehzad Mian, 1995 â€Å"Financial Reporting of Derivatives: An Analysis of the Issues, Evaluation of Proposals, and a Suggested Solution,† Journal of Financial Engineering, September, pp. 217-246. Sanjiv Ranjan Das, 1995 â€Å"Credit Risk Derivatives,† Journal of Derivatives, Spring, pp. 7-23. William Falloon, 1992 â€Å"How Appetites are Growing for OTC Equity Derivatives,† Futures Magazine, January, pp. 26-28. Ludger Hentschel and Clifford Smith Jr., 1995 â€Å"Controlling Risks in Derivatives Markets,† Journal of Financial Engineering, June, pp. 101-126 Remolona, Eli, M., 1992-3 â€Å"The Recent Growth of Financial Derivative Markets,† Federal Reserve Bank of New York Quarterly Review, Winter, pp. 28-43.   

Friday, August 16, 2019

Mining and its Affects on the Community

Arrandale, Tom. â€Å"Public Land Policy†. CQ Researcher Online. 17 June 1994. Rio Salado College Online.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      Tom Arrandale, a CQ Researcher contributor from Albuqueque, New Mexico, uses   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  congressional hearings and senate records to provide an unbiased documentation of the raging battle over the Clinton administration’s plans to up user fees and implement stricter control in the use of public lands which yield gold, timber, and livestock feed.   In a previous report, Mary Cooper cited the opposition of residents of Washington, Oregon and northern California against stricter control and are said to be unwilling to sacrifice â€Å"jobs for owls†. Cooper, Mary H. â€Å"Cleaning Up Hazardous Wastes†. CQ Researcher Online. 23 August 1996. Rio Salado College Online. This article discusses the positive and negative aspects of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, which is more popularly known as the Superfund law which went into effect December 11, 1980, as well as the need to improve it.   She had previously identified some of the former U.S. Nuclear Weapons Plants which became Superfund sites in her earlier report entitled â€Å"Nuclear Arms Cleanup†, published in the June 24, 1994 issue of the CQ Researcher Associated essay: Text Mining and Business Ramifications Cooper, Mary H. â€Å"Water Quality†. CQ Researcher Online. 24 November 2000. Rio Salado College Online.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This article is about the success of the 1972 Clean Water Act in eliminating water pollutants coming from the most obvious point sources which are the industrial plants and sewage treatment plants.   However, Cooper contends that about forty percent of waters in the country are still polluted owing to runoffs from coal mines in the mountains, animal wastes and toxic chemicals from agricultural farms, and toxins from city street sewers.   In another article a couple of years later entitled â€Å"Bush and the Environment†, Cooper voiced the same apprehension when the Bush administration allowed companies mining for coal in the mountains of Kentucky and West Virginia to dump their rubbles into surrounding streams. Landers, Robert K. â€Å"Is America Allowing Its Past To Be Stolen?† CQ Researcher Online. 18 January 1991. Rio Salado College Online.    Landers talks about how America’s past is being lost through the mining of American Indian artifacts and discusses the merits and shortcomings of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act signed by President Bush in November 1990. In a later article in the CQ Researcher, Mary Cooper writes about the American Indians’ fear â€Å"of racism by a society that can’t come to grips with its bloody past.† Prah, Pamela M. â€Å"Coal Mining Safety†. CQ Researcher Online. 17 March 2006. Rio Salado College Online. Using extracts from a congressional forum on mine safety as well as statements of experts  and government authorities, Prah dwells on the subject of the protection of the nation’s coal miners in the aftermath of an incident in a Sago, West Virginia mine explosion which killed 12 miners.   This prompted the NIOSH, the Mine Safety and Health Administration, and the state of West Virginia, to co-sponsor an International Mining Health and Safety Symposium on April 20-22, 2006 in Wheeling, West Virginia.                         Â